To develop the Consigliere cigar, the finest Connecticut Shade wrappers were carefully selected to create a superior mixture of top-notch Ecuadorian and the very sought after Dominican fillers. Without fail, quality is on point producing a dependable cigar that’s mellow, smooth, and well-balanced. Notes of wood and earth are present just before a crisp, slight peppery finish completing each draw. This is a golden-brown beauty exploding creamy, earthy, and woody notes. Each profile is underscored by aromas of coffee and caramel. The Consigliere is a cigar rich enough for the aficionado, but mellow enough for those who are beginning their journey.
(Mild to Medium Body)
To develop the Consigliere cigar, the finest Connecticut Shade wrappers were carefully selected to create a superior mixture of top-notch Ecuadorian and the very sought after Dominican fillers. Without fail, quality is on point producing a dependable cigar that’s mellow, smooth, and well-balanced. Notes of wood and earth are present just before a crisp, slight peppery finish completing each draw. This is a golden-brown beauty exploding creamy, earthy, and woody notes. Each profile is underscored by aromas of coffee and caramel. The Consigliere is a cigar rich enough for the aficionado, but mellow enough for those who are beginning their journey.
(Mild to Medium Body)
To develop the Consigliere cigar, the finest Connecticut Shade wrappers were carefully selected to create a superior mixture of top-notch Ecuadorian and the very sought after Dominican fillers. Without fail, quality is on point producing a dependable cigar that’s mellow, smooth, and well-balanced. Notes of wood and earth are present just before a crisp, slight peppery finish completing each draw. This is a golden-brown beauty exploding creamy, earthy, and woody notes. Each profile is underscored by aromas of coffee and caramel. The Consigliere is a cigar rich enough for the aficionado, but mellow enough for those who are beginning their journey.
(Mild to Medium Body)